When doing a “LIVE CODE CHALLENGE” you will learn “IT WILL BE OK”.
For some people the pressure of being watched can overwhelm them mentally, and “yes” I was one of them ….. “THIS WAS ME IM SO…OVERWHELM”. So, today I’m going to share with you how I got over the heart racing feeling of “LIVE CODE CHALLENGE”.
The main key is to breathe and take your time and understand what is being “ASK ‘’. Never be ashamed in asking for clarification. Asking for clarification is the first step that you and the assessor will see how you can overcome pressure and how you can reason your understanding. To fully understand what they are asking, repeat “The Code Challenge” to them in your own words. After you get a full understanding of what is being asked, see if you can use documentation to help you with your challenge.
For my challenge it was a counter in my mind I know how to start, but the pressure of starting to get overwhelmed set in….. “very important to slow and and take your time” I was able to use the React document. During this moment pressure set in.
***** THE CHALLENGE *******
“ Have a button that will increase when you click the like button”
Here is how I started: Soooo many mistakes — — my thought process was there BUT, my anxiety set in on a high level , So I had to tell myself to calm down and breathe….. This is the moment that will show “ how will I react under pressure….”
Doing this was the most important action during my challenge: having clear “communication”, in asking questions so I can have a clear understanding of what is needed.
It was ok to use React document to help with the flow of the code.
****setState**** is very important to understand (
When looking at the React document I realized my nervousness was calming back down because I was on the right track which brings me to my next important point in a “LIVE CODE CHALLENGE” .
This is talking about your “code logic” out loud for your assessor so they can get a feel of your thought process. Talking out loud can help in many ways: hearing out loud can help you focus more on the challenge, and it can have the assessor weigh in a little to guide you.
After getting a clear understanding of the code challenge, and talking out my code I was able to solve the challenge.
My thoughts after the code challenge ….
It is very important to challenge yourself everyday. Live code is the process of becoming a better programmer. You should be able to go through your code and explain your steps like you are explaining it to a child.
Remember to communicate, understand and take your time…..