My CLI Project
Doing my first project it was difficult I had to pick scrapping or API. My first pick was scrapping I quickly realize this not for me. I quickly went back to the drawing board and start with the API. So my API information came from a cooking website. Starting with the scrapping and the API both part was still hard to understand how to get started, but I had to push through. After going back and looking at the diagram that the school provided it was a little easier to create the flow of the application.
When I had to practice my application out loud OMG I really choke, but deep down inside I know I needed it because it is my weakness skill that I need to practice with people. Also, I rather choke in the practice then choke doing the real thing. It’s prefect practice when its time to do an interview. Looking forward to the future projects I know this a skill I will have get better with my presentation.
Quick overall of my CLI project, The user will be able to select meals that they would like to search: after they put in their search the recipes it will pop up a list and they would be able to pick a number to from the list to view the ingredients of their recipe.